Travelling Information

Travelling by Train

You can reach Hildesheim by ICE or regional passenger train with approximately hourly connections. At the web sites of Deutsche Bahn you can find further information on traveling by train and you can book tickets online.

A detailed description of public transport in Hildesheim, e.g., if you do not want to take a cab from Hildesheim main station to your hotel or the event location, can be found below.

Travelling by Car

From Hamburg – Hanover or Frankfurt – Kassel

Autobahn E4 / A7, exit at Hildesheim-Drispenstedt or Hildesheim and from there it takes only minutes to reach downtown Hildesheim.

From Berlin or the Ruhr Region

Autobahn A2 to the main junction at Hanover-East. Take Autobahn A7 towards Hildesheim-Kassel and exit at Hildesheim-Drispenstedt or Hildesheim.

Travelling by Plane

The nearest airport to Hildesheim is located in Hanover. There is the possibility to travel by train with the Deutsche Bahn to Hildesheim. As an alternative to train it is also possible to rent a car at the airport.

The most convenient route is from Hanover airport and then either

  • By cab to Hildesheim (~40 minutes; ~100 euro) or
  • By local train to Hildesheim (~60-70 minutes; ~10 euro) and a cab from Hildesheim main station to the event location (~15 minutes, ~17-20 euro).

If you catch a direct connection to Hanover airport it is the fastest, though. Alternatively travel to

  • Frankfurt airport and then
  • High speed train (ICE) to Hildesheim (ca. 2:45 h, ~80 euro)
  • A detailed description of public transport in Hildesheim, e.g., if you do not want to take a cab from Hildesheim main station to your hotel or the event location, can be found below.

Overview map © University of Hildesheim, figure Ulrike Franzki/Büro von F

Public Transport in Hildesheim (Bus)

Costs per ticket (single person): 2,50 euro (the ticket is valid for 60 minutes and can be bought from the bus driver).

Other types of tickets:

  • Full-day-ticket (single person): 5,40 euro. It is valid until the end of the day
  • Multi-ticket (5 at once, single person): 11,30 euro (=2,26 euro per ticket) at special shops, for instance at the tobacco shop inside Hildesheim main station. These tickets have to be stamped when entering the bus.
  • Group ticket (up to 5 persons): 8,00 euro. It is valid up from 9:00am (Monday-Friday)

In order to find the best time and bus for your arrival in Hildesheim, you can search for your bus connection at:

From main station to event location (~15 minutes travel time)

A timetable for the busses that drive from Hildesheim main station to the event location can be found here.








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