Thursday, 17 November

9.00 PCM Coding Session
incl. presentation of the new issue tracking and code management
12.00 Lunch Break
13.00 Opening and Welcome (Organizers)
13.15 Keynote by Raffaela Mirandola, Politechnico di Milano
“A journey across three decades of software performance engineering approaches”
14.00 Break
14.15 Palladio Days Paper Session
Sebastian Lehrig and Thomas Zolynski: “Performance Prototyping with ProtoCom in a Virtualised Environment: A Case Study” [Slides]
Philipp Merkle and Jörg Henß: “EventSim – An Event-driven Palladio Software Architecture Simulator” [Slides]
15.45 Break
16.00 PCM: Active projects and visions (PDAYS PC)
Ralf Reussner and Jörg Henß: “Palladio in the Model-Driven Simulation Lifecycle”
Samuel Kounev, Fabian Brosig, Nikolaus Huber: “From offline to online component models for run-time resource management” [Slides]
Steffen Becker: “PCM & Runtime Adaptation” [Slides]
17.00 Break
17.15 Round Table Talk: “Future development of the PCM, Identification of Cooperation opportunities”
Panel Chairs: Steffen Becker, Jens Happe, Samuel Kounev, Heiko Koziolek, Ralf Reussner
19.00 Dinner and Socializing

Friday 18 November

9.00 Invited reports on recent trends and developments in PCM
André van Hoorn: “Utilizing PCM for Online Capacity Management of Component-Based Software Systems” [Slides]
Michael Hauck and Benjamin Klatt: "Non-Invasive Palladio Development" [Slides]
10.00 Break
10.30 PCM Organisation and Publicity
11.30 Closing Discussion: Summary, Next Steps, Next Palladio Days, etc.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Closing and Farewell
