Accepted Papers and Talks
The following papers and talks are accepted for the technical program of this year’s Symposium on Software Performance. The detailed program will be announced soon.
- Shinhyung Yang, David Georg Reichelt and Wilhelm Hasselbring.
Evaluating the Overhead of the Performance Profiler Cloudprofiler with MooBench - Markus Weninger.
Tracing Performance Metrics in Kotlin Multiplatform Projects via Compile-Time Code Instrumentation - Benedikt Jutz and Thomas Weber.
Scalability of Consistency Preservation with Vitruvius - Benjamin Arp, Nils Niehues, Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner.
Analyzing Cyclic Data Flow Diagrams Regarding Information Security - Larissa Schmid.
Automatic Performance Modeling of Configurable Scientific Software - Martin Armbruster, Thomas Weber and Lars König.
Bringing Vitruvius into the Cloud - Ivo Rohwer, Martin Straesser, Yannik Lubas and Samuel Kounev.
Towards an Empirical Study on Transient Phases of Microservice Applications - Bahareh Taghavi, Robert Heinrich, Adrian Marin, Bernhard Rumpe, Sebastian Stüber and Sebastian Weber.
Semantic Validation for Slingshot Simulator Using MontiArc - Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Benjamin Arp, Nils Niehues, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner.
Towards a Data Flow Diagram-Centric Confidentiality Analysis in Palladio - Simon Volpert, Sascha Winkelhofer, Daniel Seybold, Jörg Domaschka and Stefan Wesner.
The Hidden Costs of Shared CPU Resources: A Closer Look at Cgroups and QoS - Manuel Steinberg.
Towards Green Software Metrics for Sustainable Software Development - Lorenz Gruber, Nikolas Herbst, Samuel Kounev, Thomas Esch and Thanh Nguyen.
Modelling and Optimizing a Graph-based Settlement Delineation and Analysis Workflow - Alexander Weber, Jobst Hillbrandt and Holger Eichelberger.
ADS Performance Revisited - Andreas Brunnert and Ferdinand Gutzy.
Extending the OpenTelemetry Java Auto-Instrumentation Agent to Publish Green Software Metrics - Nikolas Herbst, Niklas Jaggy, David Dingel, David Linke, Claudia Kuenzer and Samuel Kounev.
On the Realisation of a Workflow for Continuous Earth Observation of Forest Dynamics: A Performance Engineering Challenge - David Georg Reichelt, Malte Hansen, Shinhyung Yang and Wilhelm Hasselbring.
Interoperability From Kieker to OpenTelemetry: Demonstrated as Export to ExplorViz - Martin Straesser, Nicholas Erhard and Samuel Kounev.
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Selected Host Configuration Parameters on Container Start Times - Ahmad Rzgar Hamid, Hendrik Reiter, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard and Wilhelm Hasselbring.
Investigating Quality Attributes of Machine Learning Inference on the Edge-Cloud Continuum - Thomas Weber, Benedikt Jutz and Zenon Zacouris.
The Influence of Granularity of Transactions on Performance in Vitruvius - Floriment Klinaku, Sarah Stieß and Steffen Becker.
The Slingshot Simulator: An Architectural Overview - Malte Hansen and Wilhelm Hasselbring.
Instrumentation of Software Systems with OpenTelemetry for Software Visualization - Emre Taspolatoglu, Robert Heinrich and Ralf Reussner.
Context-aware Security Patterns for Software Evolution - Martin Armbruster.
Performance Factors of Proxy Objects in the Eclipse Modeling Framework - David Georg Reichelt, Reiner Jung and André van Hoorn.
Overhead Measurement Noise in Different Runtime Environments - Sebastian Frank, Aref El-Maarawi Tefur, Alireza Hakamian, Joakim von Kistowski and André van Hoorn.
From Specification to Refinement: Managing Resilience Scenarios with DiSpel Cockpit - Sebastian Weber, Thomas Weber and Jörg Henß.
Integration of Performability-Model Extraction and Performability Prediction in Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery - Nils Niehues, Benjamin Arp, Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner.
Integrating Security-Enriched Data Flow Diagrams Into Architecture-Based Confidentiality Analysis - Christian Nikolajew and Holger Eichelberger.
Industry 4.0 Connectors – A Performance Experiment with Modbus/TCP - Ralf Sieger.
Design-time analysis of energy consumption in data compression for mobile devices