Please note that the first symposium day and the developer meeting will be held at the Open Innovation Center on the campus of the Johannes Kepler University, while the second day will be held in the Dynatrace Engineering Headquarter.
Keynote: From Ad-Hoc to Self-Service: Enterprise Performance Engineering Evolution in the past 20 years. Andreas Grabner, Dynatrace.
10:45 – 11:15
Coffee Break
11:15 – 12:30
Session 1: Cloud & Containers, Session Chair: Nikolas Herbst An Empirical Study on the Impact of Selected Host Configuration Parameters on Container Start Times. Martin Straesser, Nicholas Erhard and Samuel Kounev. The Hidden Costs of Shared CPU Resources: A Closer Look at Cgroups and QoS. Simon Volpert, Sascha Winkelhofer, Daniel Seybold, Jörg Domaschka and Stefan Wesner. Overhead Measurement Noise in Different Runtime Environments. David Georg Reichelt, Reiner Jung and André van Hoorn. Evaluating the Overhead of the Performance Profiler Cloudprofiler with MooBench. Shinhyung Yang, David Georg Reichelt and Wilhelm Hasselbring. Bringing Vitruvius into the Cloud. Martin Armbruster, Thomas Weber and Lars König.
12:30 – 14:00
Lunch Break
14:00 – 15:30
Session 2: Scientific Software & Modeling I, Session Chair: Wilhelm Hasselbring Automatic Performance Modeling of Configurable Scientific Software. Larissa Schmid. Modelling and Optimizing a Graph-based Settlement Delineation and Analysis Workflow. Lorenz Gruber, Nikolas Herbst, Samuel Kounev, Thomas Esch and Thanh Nguyen. On the Realisation of a Workflow for Continuous Earth Observation of Forest Dynamics: A Performance Engineering Challenge. Nikolas Herbst, Niklas Jaggy, David Dingel, David Linke, Claudia Kuenzer and Samuel Kounev. Scalability of Consistency Preservation with Vitruvius. Benedikt Jutz and Thomas Weber. Towards a Data Flow Diagram-Centric Confidentiality Analysis in Palladio. Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Benjamin Arp, Nils Niehues, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner. Context-aware Security Patterns for Software Evolution. Emre Taspolatoglu, Robert Heinrich and Ralf Reussner.
15:30 – 16:00
Coffee Break
16:00 – 17:00
Session 3a: Modeling II, Session Chair: Floriment Klinaku The Influence of Granularity of Transactions on Performance in Vitruvius. Thomas Weber, Benedikt Jutz and Zenon Zacouris. Performance Factors of Proxy Objects in the Eclipse Modeling Framework. Martin Armbruster. Analyzing Cyclic Data Flow Diagrams Regarding Information Security. Benjamin Arp, Nils Niehues, Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner. Integrating Security-Enriched Data Flow Diagrams into Architecture-Based Confidentiality Analysis. Nils Niehues, Benjamin Arp, Tom Hüller, Felix Schwickerath, Nicolas Boltz and Sebastian Hahner.
Session 3b: Benchmarking, Session Chair: Markus Weninger Towards an Empirical Study on Transient Phases of Microservice Applications. Ivo Rohwer, Martin Straesser, Yannik Lubas and Samuel Kounev. ADS Performance Revisited. Alexander Weber, Jobst Hillbrandt and Holger Eichelberger. Industry 4.0 Connectors – A Performance Experiment with Modbus/TCP. Christian Nikolajew and Holger Eichelberger. Investigating Quality Attributes of Machine Learning Inference on the Edge-Cloud Continuum. Ahmad Rzgar Hamid, Hendrik Reiter, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard and Wilhelm Hasselbring.
Keynote 2. The power of the commandline: a story of shell scripting, observability, and my laziness. Philipp Lengauer, Dynatrace.
10:30 – 11:00
Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30
Session 4: Monitoring & Visualization, Session Chair: Samuel Kounev Tracing Performance Metrics in Kotlin Multiplatform Projects via Compile-Time Code Instrumentation. Markus Weninger. Towards Green Software Metrics for Sustainable Software Development. Manuel Steinberg. Extending the OpenTelemetry Java Auto-Instrumentation Agent to Publish Green Software Metrics. Andreas Brunnert and Ferdinand Gutzy. Instrumentation of Software Systems with OpenTelemetry for Software Visualization. Malte Hansen and Wilhelm Hasselbring. Interoperability From Kieker to OpenTelemetry: Demonstrated as Export to ExplorViz. David Georg Reichelt, Malte Hansen, Shinhyung Yang and Wilhelm Hasselbring. Analyzing Logs of Large-Scale Software Systems using Time Curves Visualization. Dmytro Borysenkov and Esteban Perez-Wohlfeil
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch Break
13:30 – 14:45
Session 5: Simulation, Session Chair: Ralf Reussner The Slingshot Simulator: An Architectural Overview. Floriment Klinaku, Sarah Stieß and Steffen Becker. Semantic Validation for Slingshot Simulator Using MontiArc. Bahareh Taghavi, Robert Heinrich, Adrian Marin, Bernhard Rumpe, Sebastian Stüber and Sebastian Weber. From Specification to Refinement: Managing Resilience Scenarios with DiSpel Cockpit. Sebastian Frank, Aref El-Maarawi Tefur, Alireza Hakamian, Joakim von Kistowski and André van Hoorn. Integration of Performability-Model Extraction and Performability Prediction in Continuous Integration / Continuous Delivery. Sebastian Weber, Thomas Weber and Jörg Henß. Design-time analysis of energy consumption in data compression for mobile devices. Ralf Sieger.