
Monday, November 7th: Developer Day

10:30-18:00Palladio Developer Meeting (Room H0.124a)
16:00-18:00Kieker Developer Meeting (Room H0.29)
19:00-Self-paid dinner: Wichtel Feuerbach, Stuttgarter Straße 21, 70469 Stuttgart,

Tuesday, November 8th: Main program

09:00-09:30Registration and get together
09:30-10:00Welcoming talk I – Simona Kaltbach (Vector)
10:00-10:30Welcoming talk II – Short reports on Palladio (Slides), Descartes (Slides) and Kieker (Slides)
10:30-11:00Coffee break
Session 1: Scalable and reconfigurable applications, Session Chair: Holger Eichelberger
11:00-11:30Sören Henning, Benedikt Wetzel and Wilhelm Hasselbring
Cloud-Native Scalability Benchmarking with Theodolite: Applied to the TeaStore Benchmark (Slides)
11:30-12:00Stefan Höppner, Florian Ege, Sarah Stieß and Matthias Tichy
State Space Exploration for Planning Reconfigurations in Cloud-native Systems (Slides)
12:00-12:30Johannes Rank, Andreas Hein, Helmut Krcmar and Maximilian Barnert
Predicting Scaling Efficiency of Distributed Stream Processing Systems via Task Level Performance Simulation (Slides)
Session 2: Industry & real-world workloads, Session Chair: Wilhelm Hasselbring
14:20-14:50Dušan Okanović
Interoperability on an Enterprise Level: Taking Control Over Observability Data with Observability Pipelines (Slides)
14:50-15:10Johannes Rank, Andreas Hein and Helmut Krcmar
The Role of Performance in Streaming Analytics Projects: Expert Interviews on Current Challenges and Future Research Directions (Slides)
15:10-15:30Maximilian Schwinger
Modelling EO data processing workloads and environments (Slides)
15:30-16:00Coffee break
Session 3: Instrumentation, Architecture Recovery and Extraction, Session Chair: David Georg Reichelt
16:00-16:30Reiner Jung, Henning Schnoor, Sven Gundlach and Wilhelm Hasselbring
Architecture Recovery from Fortran Code with Kieker (Slides)
16:30-16:50Tim Thüring, Gabriel Glaser, Marcel Hafner, Abel Gitzing, Sebastian Frank, Alireza Hakamian and André van Hoorn
Extracting Software Architectures from Traces for the Simulation of Microservice-based Architectures (Slides)
16:50-17:20Serafim Simonov, Thomas Duellmann, Reiner Jung and Sven Gundlach
Instrumenting Python with Kieker (Slides)
Final remarks & closing
19:00-Official Dinner: Ochs’n Willi, Kleiner Schlossplatz 4, 70173 Stuttgart,

Wednesday, November 9th: Main Program 2nd Day

09:30-10:00Industry talk:
Mahir Isikli (Novatec)
What’s going on in my Cluster?
Session 4: Performance from Cloud to Edge, Session Chair: Holger Knoche
10:00-10:20Martin Straesser, Patrick Haas and Samuel Kounev
Leveraging Kubernetes Source Code for Performance Simulation (Slides)
10:20-10:50Ahmad Alamoush and Holger Eichelberger
Adapting Kubernetes to IIoT and Industry 4.0 protocols – An initial performance analysis (Slides)
10:50-11:20Coffee break
11:20-11:50Sebastian Weber, Jörg Henß and Ralf Reussner
Co-Simulation of Hardware and Software in Palladio (Slides)
11:50-12:20Daniel Seybold and Jörg Domaschka
Experiences from Building the Open Database Performance Ranking (Slides)
Session 5: Performance Assessment and Comparisons, Session Chair: Samuel Kounev
12:20-12:40Lukas Beierlieb, Lukas Iffländer and Samuel Kounev
Comparison Between Polling- and Interrupt-based Packet processing Regarding Performance (Slides)
Session 5 (Cont.): Performance Assessment and Comparisons, Session Chair: Samuel Kounev
13:50-14:20David Georg Reichelt, Hannes Krauß, Stefan Kühne and Wilhelm Hasselbring
Generic Performance Measurement in CI: The Geomap Case Study (Slides)
14:20-14:50Christian Sauer and Holger Eichelberger
Performance evaluation of BaSyx based Asset Administration Shells for Industry 4.0 Applications (Slides)
14:50-15:00Short Coffee break
Session 6: Domain-based Quality Evaluation, Session Chair: Alireza Hakamian
15:00-15:30Holger Eichelberger, Gregory Palmer and Claudia Niederée
Developing an AI-enabled Industry 4.0 platform – Performance experiences on deploying AI onto an industrial edge device (Slides)
15:30-15:50Denis Zahariev, Sebastian Frank, Alireza Hakamian and André van Hoorn
Supporting and Verifying Transient Behavior Specifications in Chaos Engineering (Slides)
15:50-16:10Heiko Holz, Brill Marius, Dominik Kesim, Matthias Eschhold, Sebastian Frank and André van Hoorn
dqualizer: Domain-centric runtime quality analysis of business-critical application systems (Slides)