
All sessions of the main program will be held virtually using the web conferencing system BigBlueButton. The link to the virtual conference room and the access code will be sent to registered participants only.

Wednesday, November 11th: Developer Day

The developer meetings of Descartes, Kieker, and Palladio will be organized and carried out under their own responsibility. Please contact the corresponding group leader for further information.

Thursday, November 12th: Symposium Day 1

09:00-09:30Login to Virtual Conference Room
09:30-09:45Opening and Welcome Note
09:45-10:15Short Introduction of all Participants
10:15-10:45[Industry Talk] How we replaced a Gartner APM Leader with an open, Grafana-based monitoring solution
Henning Schulz and Tobias Angerstein, Novatec Consulting GmbH (Slides)
Session 1: Continuous Software Performance EngineeringSession Chair: Holger Eichelberger
10:45-10:55[Extended Abstract] Exploring the Feasibility of Performance Regression Testing for Serverless Applications
Simon Eismann, Diego Costa, Lizhi Liao, Cor-Paul Bezemer, Weiyi Shang, André van Hoorn, and Samuel Kounev, Universities of Würzburg, Alberta, and Stuttgart, Concordia University Canada (Slides)
10:55-11:05[Extended Abstract] Software doesn’t make a noise when it breaks
Piyush Verma, Last9 (Slides)
11:05-11:20[Paper] Vision of Continuously Assuring Performance
David Georg Reichelt, Stefan Kühne, and Wilhelm Hasselbring, Leipzig University, Kiel University (Slides)
11:20-11:30[Extended Abstract] Tailored Load Testing for Continuous Software Engineering: Approaches, Experiences, and Outlook
Henning Schulz, Novatec Consulting GmbH (Slides)
12:00-13:00Lunch Break
Session 2: Workload Definition & Time SeriesSession Chair: Sebastian Krach
13:00-13:10[Extended Abstract] An Overview of Methods for Detecting Contexts in Workload Data
Dušan Okanović and Thomas Sievering, Novatec Consulting GmbH (Slides)
13:10-13:25[Paper] A Journey to realistic User Behavior Models
Reiner Jung and Lars Jürgensen, Kiel University (Slides)
13:25-13:40[Paper] Selecting Time Series Clustering Methods based on Run-Time Costs
Andreas Schörgenhumer, Paul Grünbacher, and Hanspeter Mössenböck, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Slides)
14:00-14:20Coffee Break
Session 3: Memory & Monitoring EngineeringSession Chair: Wilhelm Hasselbring
14:20-14:35[Paper] Investigating High Memory Churn via Object Lifetime Analysis to Improve Software Performance
Markus Weninger, Elias Gander, and Hanspeter Mössenböck, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Slides)
14:35-14:50[Paper] Heap Evolution Analysis Using Tree Visualizations
Markus Weninger, Lukas Makor, and Hanspeter Mössenböck, Johannes Kepler University Linz (Slides)
14:50-15:05[Paper] Combating Run-time Performance Bugs with Performance Claim Annotations
Zachery Casey and Michael D. Shah, Northeastern University (Slides)
15:05-15:20[Paper] Enhanced execution trace abstraction approach using social network analysis methods
Ji Wang and Naser Ezzati-Jivan, Brock University (Slides)

Friday, November 13th: Symposium Day 2

08:30-09:00Login to Virtual Conference Room
09:00-09:30[Industry Talk] Analysis and Visualization of SAP Custom Code and its Relationships to the SAP System
Pascal Kovacs, Gisa GmbH (Slides)
Session 4: Visualization and ResilienceSession Chair: Reiner Jung
09:30-09:40[Extended Abstract] SQuAT-Vis: Visualization and Interaction in Software Architecture Optimization
Sebastian Frank and André van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart (Slides)
09:40-09:55[Paper] Graph-Based Performance Analysis at System- and Application-Level
Richard Müller and Tom Strempel, Leipzig University (Slides)
09:55-10:05[Extended Abstract] Scenario-based Resilience Evaluation and Improvement of Microservice Architectures: A Case Study
Dominik Kesim, Lion Wagner, Joakim von Kistowski, Sebastian Frank, Alireza Hakamian, and André van Hoorn, University of Stuttgart, DATEV eG (Slides)
10:25-10:45Coffee Break
Session 5: Models ISession Chair: Henning Schnoor
10:45-11:00[Paper] Towards Language-Agnostic Reuse of Palladio Quality Analyses
Malte Reimann, Stephan Seifermann, Maximilian Walter, Robert Heinrich, Tomas Bures, and Petr Hnetynka, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Charles University (Slides)
11:00-11:15[Paper] Catching Up with State of the Art Continuous Integration Pipelines in Palladio – An Experience Report
Stephan Seifermann and Sebastian Krach, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, FZI Research Center for Information Technology (Slides)
11:15-11:30[Paper] Supporting Backward Transitions within Markov Chains when Modeling Complex User Behavior in the Palladio Component Model
Maximilian Barnert and Helmut Krcmar, Technical University of Munich (Slides)
11:50-13:00Lunch Break
Session 6: Models II & BenchmarkingSession Chair: Dominik Werle
13:00-13:15[Paper] Performance Modelling of Message-Oriented Middleware with priority queues
Snigdha Singh, Larissa Schmid, and Anne Koziolek, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Slides)
13:15-13:25[Extended Abstract] Predicting Performance Degradations of Black-box Microservice Applications
Martin Sträßer and Johannes Grohmann, University of Würzburg (Slides)
13:25-13:40[Paper] Toward Efficient Scalability Benchmarking of Event-Driven Microservice Architectures at Large Scale
Sören Henning and Wilhelm Hasselbring, Kiel University (Slides)
14:00-14:20Coffee Break
Session 7: Hardware ResourcesSession Chair: David Georg Reichelt
14:20-14:35[Paper] A Dynamic Resource Demand Analysis Approach for Stream Processing Systems
Johannes Rank, Andreas Hein, and Helmut Krcmar, Technical University of Munich (Slides)
14:35-14:45[Extended Abstract] Benchmarking AI-methods on Heterogeneous Hardware Resources
Christopher Noel Hesse and Holger Eichelberger, University of Hildesheim (Slides)
14:45-14:55[Extended Abstract] Developing a Resource Efficiency Benchmark
Norbert Schmitt, Richard Vobl, Andreas Brunnert, and Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg, RETIT GmbH (Slides)
14:55-15:10[Paper] Heat-aware Loadbalancing – Is it a thing?
Lukas Iffländer, Norbert Schmitt, Andreas Knapp, and Samuel Kounev, University of Würzburg (Slides)